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LAE 3414 - Children's Literature, Professor Hubbard: Education Databases

Accessing Library Databases

Students and staff, here are a few simple steps that will enable you to access our Polk State College Library's databases:


(1) Go to the Library/TLCC home page by clicking the Library/TLCC link at the top of the Polk State College home page.



(2)  On the Library/TLCC home page, select the Articles/Databases link.


(3)  You will see an alphabetical list of Polk’s databases.  Scroll down the list and select the title (link) of the database you wish to use.

Polk State Library A-Z List of Databases


(4)  You may see either the screen below or the sign in screen for Passport next. If you see this screen, select Student Login - Sign in at Polk State College. Then, use your Passport credentials to sign in.

Note:  For faculty and staff, select staff login.


Open Athens Choose how to sign in (staff or student) screen


(5)  Sign in using your Passport credentials. Your Student ID number & Password (default password = two-digit month and two-digit year of your birth).

Additional information about Passport: 

Note:  For faculty and staff, use your staff email credentials on the Office 365 sign in screen (image not shown below).

Passport Sign in Screen "Login with Student ID & Password"

Note: You may need to login again if you switch to a different browser OR close your current browser window.

Having difficulty signing in? Receiving error messages?

If you are having difficulty signing in as a student with your Passport credentials, try clearing the cookies & cache in your browser, using a private browser window, or a different browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge).  


Recommended Databases

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