Book Chapters:
Barberet, John R. "Baudelaire: Homoerotismes." In Articulations of Difference: Gender Studies and Writing in French. Edited by Lawrence Schehr and Dominique Fisher. Stanford: Standford UP, 1997: 52-63.
---. "Linking Producers to Consumers: Balzac's 'Grande Affaire' and the Dynamics of Literary Diffusion." Making the News: Modernity and the Mass Press in Nineteenth-Century France. Edited by Dean de la Motte and Jeannene M. Przyblyski. Amherst: U. of Massachusetts P ["Studies in Print Culture and the History of the Book" no. 1] 1999: 185-204.
---. Translator, Jean-Joseph Goux, "Cash, Check, or Charge?" New Economic Criticism. Edited by Martha Woodmansee. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1999: 114-127.
---. "Messages in Bottles: A Comparative Formal Approach to Teaching Defoe's Robinson Crusoe," The MLA Guide to Teaching Robinson Crusoe, ed. Carl Fisher. New York: The Modern Language Association. 2005: 111-121.
Barberet, John R. "Rene Francois Armand Prudhomme [Sully-Prudhomme]." Read More About It. Ed. C. Kohoyda-Inglis. Ann Arbor: Pierian, 1989: III, 683-89.
---. "Institutional Paratextuality." Gallatin Review 10, i (Special Issue on the Canon and the Core) [Winter 1990-91]: 56-67.
---. "Seven Modalities of Utopian Practice." Mediations 20 (1996): 6-15.
---. "'Un mets nouveau': Hashish and Hashish Narratives in Nineteenth-Century Paris." FLS (French Literature Series) Vol. 29 (2002): 79-89.
---. "Violence, Sacrifice et Contagion dans Jean-Francois les Bas-bleus de Charles Nodier." Studies in Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures VI (2004), 73-79.
Connors, J., Good, P., & Gollery, T. (2017). Using Innovative Teaching Strategies to Improve Nursing Student Competence and Confidence in Providing Spiritual Care. Nurse Educator, 42(2), 62–64.
Stolzman, K. A., & Connors, J. M. (2020). Implementing a Comfort Care Cart: A Quality Improvement Nurse-Driven Initiative in the Intensive Care Unit. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing : DCCN, 39(3), 134–139.
Good, P., and Connors, J. (2021). Reflections: The Power of Patient Connections to Deliver Emotional and Spiritual Care. Dubuque, IA: Great River Learning. ISBN: 9781644968147.