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eBook Collection (EBSCO): Full-text of reference ebooks.
In the first field, type in "ancient India," or separate "ancient" and "India" into the first two fields; more topics may be added in the other fields to narrow down your search, such as "architecture," "culture, " and "government." From the results list, choosing any eBook will split the screen into two frames. Right-hand frame will display the current page; Previous & Next buttons on the bottom will display the previous & next pages. On the left-hand frame, navigate using the Table of Contents (which usually includes an Index), or Search Within located at the top left-hand corner (to type in your own searches & generate a list of matching pages).
NOTE: To make a Chicago-style citation, click the Cite button on top of the article, then choose Chicago/Turabian: Humanities.
Encyclopaedia Britannica: Complete entries from Encyclopaedia Britannica.
After typing in your search, the encyclopedia entries will appear in the middle of the screen; in addition, on the left-hand side, you may also access magazines, ebooks, primary sources, and websites from EBSCO. Type in India as your search, then click on the first encyclopedia link in the middle of the screen. On the next page, go to the top left corner and click History, then scroll down to India from the Paleolithic Period to the Decline of the Indus Civilization, which begins the ancient history section. On the bottom of each page is a list of more Britannica articles about specific India topics -- reference, history, philosophy, science/technology, people, etc. -- followed by good websites.
NOTE: To make a Chicago-style citation, on the top right-hand corner of the entry, click the check-marked box icon, then in the Select Citation Style menu, choose Chicago Manual of Style.
History Reference Center (EBSCO): Motherload of history-related information from reference books, encyclopedias, magazines, historical documents, multimedia, etc.
On the search screen, click on the Full Text box below the search fields. Then, to the right of it, go to the Timeline menu and hold down the Shift key while selecting World History -- Origins of Human Society (prehistory-4000 BCE), World History -- Early Civilizations (3999 BCE-1000 BCE), and World History -- Classical Periods (999 BCD-500 CE).
NOTE: To make a Chicago-style citation, after choosing to print, e-mail, or save your article, go to the Citation Format menu, then choose Chicago/Turabian: Humanities.
U.S. History in Context (Gale): Complete entries from reference books, full-text periodicals, & primary sources.
On the top right-hand corner, choose World, then type in your search.
NOTE: To make a Chicago-style citation, on the top right-hand corner of each entry, click the Citation Tools link, then in the Choose Citation Format menu, click on Chicago 16th Edition.
Virtual Reference Library (Gale): Complete entries from reference books put online, including the Encyclopedia of India (also available in the library's Reference books collection).
Search for your specific topics by Keyword, available in the pull-down menus beside the search fields.
NOTE: To make a Chicago-style citation, on the top right-hand corner of each entry, click the Citation Tools link, then in the Choose Citation Format menu, click on Chicago 16th Edition.