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Developmental Math: TLCC Tutoring

A list of library & TLCC resources that support the Developmental Math curriculum

TLCC Tutoring Online

The TLCCs offer peer and professional tutors in a wide variety of subjects and in several modalities. Tutoring is offered both face to face and online. For online tutoring, students can easily access the various tutoring options by clicking on TLCC tutoring online from any Canvas courses. Once enrolled in TLCC Tutoring Online, students can get assistance from a writing tutor. 


Tutoring Options

interactive session

Talk with tutors.

  • Tutors are available live through Big Blue Button conferences. 
  • Students will need audio, and preferably a microphone. in order to fully engage with the tutor. If those tools are not available, a chat feature can be used.
  • Click on the link below for an overview of the Big Blue Button conferences tool.


paper submissions

Submit a paper to get feedback from a Writing Tutor.

  • The tutor will address specific questions, as well as provide general feedback/suggestions about areas of the paper that need work; they will not proofread the paper. The tutor will review sections of the paper and make suggestions and notes, then encourage the student to apply those details to the rest of the paper and continue to review and edit.
  • If the student would like a private conference to discuss a paper with the Writing Tutor, they can indicate so in the comments. The student can turn on notifications in order to receive an alert when the Writing Tutor invites them to the conference.

The link below will allow students to enroll directly into the TLCC Online Tutoring course and begin interacting with the tutors. 

questions submissions

Post a question and tutors will provide a timely response.

  • Posts to this resource are monitored during the tutor’s regularly scheduled hours. If students post a question during a time when there is no tutor on duty, a tutor will reply during the next scheduled shift.
  • Tutors will not simply provide answers to questions but will utilize the space as a way to help the student get to the correct answer.
  • When creating a discussion post, students should use the course as the name of the discussion so that the appropriate tutor responds to the request.

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