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EEC2270 - Pospichal: Home

Where Do I Start?

You can access the databases by taking the following steps:

  • Go to
  • Click on Library/TLCC at the top of the page
  • Select Articles/Databases


An alphabetical list of databases will appear. If you know the database you would like to use, begin here.

  • You may also click Subject at the top of the screen to browse databases by subject area.
    • Education is the subject area that is most pertinent to this class.
  • Once you select a database, you'll be prompted to login.
    • Use your Passport credentials to access databases.

Useful Databases

Search Terms

While searching for your article to review, it will be most beneficial to utilize Boolean operators. These are words and punctuation that help to expand and refine your search.

The example we use in class is to search for articles on disability inclusion in early childhood education.

  • In the first search line, try using the phrase disabilit*
    • The asterisk (*) works as a wildcard operator. It will search all terms that start with disabilit, such as: disability, disabilities.
      • If you want to broaden your search, try using disab*, which will search terms like disable, disabled, disability, disabilities.
  • In the next line, use the Boolean operator AND
    • (In most databases, there is a drop down menu that will allow you to select AND, OR, NOT but you can also type these words into a search bar if a menu is unavailable.)
      • AND will include all terms listed in the search bars.
    • Try using the search term inclusion.
  • In the last line, also use the Boolean operator AND
    • Try using the search term "early childhood education".
      • Make sure this term is in quotation marks. If you want to search a phrase together, you put it into quotation marks. Otherwise, the database may search for the words early AND childhood AND education separately throughout articles.
  • At this point, you can continue to refine your search by selecting peer reviewed articles and by limiting publication dates to the last five years.

Search Example

A search in Education Source might look like this:

Note the use of the asterisk (*), the Boolean operator AND, and the quotation marks around a phrase.

What Do I Do Now?

Once you find an article, you can do a few different things. You can email yourself the article to read later, download or print the article, and locate citation information to include in your assignment. In most databases, these options are on the right side of the screen. Here's an example from Education Source:

Polk State College is committed to equal access/equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment. For additional information, visit