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Literature: Searching for Themes, Works, and Authors: Works

Searching for Works

Start Here: Gale: Literature

From the Advanced Search click on Browse Topics



Select Works from the dropdown on the left. Browse works. Search by name of work: Where it says "Filter by name" you can search for the name of a work


Start Here: Bloom's Literature

In Bloom’s Literature, click Browse and then click on Works



From here, you can go to All Works to search for the name of a work. Ignore beginning articles, starting with the main word. For example, in this search for "The Stranger,"  I only type Stranger.



In the work's page, you can see different focuses (e.g. reference, criticism, character list, images, and videos) for that work. You can also use the Narrow Results on the right to further refine as you browse the page.



From within an entry, you can click on Share to get the permalink. Also, the Citation option to get the automatically-generated citation (make sure to check this for accuracy). On the right, under Record Information, is where that source comes from and when it was published.

Lastly, you can click on a Tags to further refine your search or find related results.



Start Here: Literary Reference Center Plus

Literary Reference Center is a database that provides articles. In this database, it is helpful to search for the specific name of the work and any synonyms (e.g. like the first line for poems) and combine them with OR. For example, if I wanted to search for the poem by John Keats "To Autumn," I might search this way: Keats, John AND ("To Autumn" OR "Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness"). 

I can also go under Refine Results and limit by Source Types and then Poem. It might be necessary to select "Show More" to get a list of all source types. 

Screenshot of using Refine Results, Source Types, and then Show More

After clicking "Show More" all source types will appear in a popup. I can select the one I want and click "Update" 

Screenshot of Show More popup

Here is the poem 

Screenshot showing result with poem

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