Introduction to Fire in California by David CarleCall Number: Polk/Winter Haven Winter Haven Circulation SD421.32.C2
ISBN: 9780520379138
Publication Date: 2021-08-20
What is fire? How are wildfires ignited? How do California's weather and topography influence fire? How did Indigenous people use fire on the land we now call California? David Carle's clearly written, dramatically illustrated first edition of Introduction to Fire in California helped Californians, including the millions who live near naturally flammable wildlands, better understand their own place in the state's landscape. In this revised edition, Carle covers the basics of fire ecology; looks at the effects of fire on people, wildlife, soil, water, and air; discusses fire-fighting organizations and land-management agencies; and explains how to prepare for an emergency and what to do when one occurs. Includes more than 110 color illustrations and maps, an overview of major wildfires in California's history, an updated and expanded discussion of the effect of climate change on fires in natural landscapes, tips on what to do before, during, and after fires, discussion of utility companies and massive power shutoffs.