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Evaluating Online Information and Resources: How Well Can You Tell Fact from Opinion?

How Well Can You Tell Fact from Opinion?

How well do you think you can tell fact from opinion?

Take the Pew Research Quiz!

Quiz: How Well Can You Tell Factual from Opinion Statements?

CARTOON: Political fact-checkers rating veracity of all claims, even on  their days off


Pew Research

"In a survey conducted Feb. 22 to March 4, 2018, the Center asked U.S. adults to categorize five factual statements and five opinion statements. As a previous report revealed, about a quarter of Americans overall could accurately classify all five factual statements (26%) and about a third could classify all five opinion statements (35%)."

Read the full article here: 

Pew Research - Younger Americans are Better than Older Americans at Telling Factual News Statements from Opinions.

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