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HUM 2020 - Class Topics: Prof. Morgan: Renaissance

Websites, databases, & reference books covering topics in Professor Morgan's classes.

Using Reference Books

1) Reference books CANNOT be checked out by students. They may be used only within the library.

2) Reference books are located in the center of the library, behind the Reference Desk.

3) Pages can be photocopied: 10 cents for a black-and-white page OR 50 cents for a color page.

Polk State College offers printing, copying, and scanning services in the libraries and TLCCs at the Lakeland and Winter Haven campuses and the JD Alexander Center and Center for Public Safety. The self-serve printers accept credit/debit cards and BankMobile cards. They will not accept cash.

There are five ways to print to a self-serve print station:

  • Print via email – email files to and receive a printing code and barcode to use at any print station.
  • Print via cloud-based server – access OneDrive or Google Drive from any print station.
  • Print via USB – access files off a USB from any print station.
  • Print via PrintMe app – download the PrintMe app from Google Play or the App Store and send prints from your mobile device.
  • Print via Polk State computers – send prints from most Polk State computers.

Database Access

You must log in to use library databases and eBooks. When prompted to log in, enter your Passport credentials. 

If you have trouble, try resetting your Passport pin, sending an email to, or calling the Help Desk at 863.292.3652. 

You can also get help from Ask a Librarian

Internet Access

Students at PSC have already paid for Internet access through their tuition. As long as they are students or work for the college, they have Internet access through the library, TLCC, & computer labs.

The library has wireless Internet, accessible through PSC personal computers and PSC laptops.

Students are allowed to bring their own laptops into the library. They may access wireless Internet through PSC's network.

Reference Books (See Databases for eBooks)


Encyclopedia of the Renaissance and the Reformation. REF CB 359 .B47 2004

World Eras, Volume 1: European Renaissance and Reformation, 1350-1600. REF CB 359 .W67 2001 c.1

The New Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. VII. REF D 117 .N48 1998 v.7


Art Through the Ages, Vol. II. REF N 5300 .G25 2016

Art: A History of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture. REF N 5300 .H283 1985


Art Through the Ages, Vol. II. REF N 5300 .G25 1991 v2

Artists of the Renaissance. REF N 6915 .E17 2004

The Encyclopedia of Sculpture, Vol. 1-3. REF NB 198 .E53 2004 v.1-3

Annotated Art: The World's Greatest Paintings Explored and Explained. REF ND 1143 .C86 1995


The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Daily Life: A Tour Through History from Ancient Times to the Present, Vol. 3. REF GT 31 .G74 2004 v.3

For Appearance's Sake: The Historical Encyclopedia of Good Looks, Beauty, and Grooming. REF GT 499 .S49 2001 c.1

Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion, Vol. 1-3. REF GT 507 .E53 2005 v.1-3

Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, Vol. 3. REF GT 2850 .E53 2003 v.3

World Literature and Its Times, Vol. 3 & 7. REF PN 50 .M625 2005 v.3 & v.7 (Vol. 3: Celtic/British/Irish; Vol. 7: Italian)


The History of Government, Volume III: Empires, Monarchies, and the Modern State. REF JC 51 .F56 1999 v.3 c.1


Groundbreaking Scientific Experiments, Inventions, & Discoveries of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. REF Q 124.97 .K73 2004

Encyclopedia of the Scientific Revolution: From Copernicus to Newton. REF Q 125 .E53 2000 c.1

Encyclopedia of Plague and Pestilence. REF RA 649 .E53 1995

World Epidemics: A Cultural Chronology of Disease from Prehistory to the Era of SARS. REF RA 649 .S65 2003


NOTE: Currently-enrolled students have paid for PSC databases through their tuition

eBook Collection (EBSCO): Full-text of reference ebooks.

In the first field, type in "Renaissance;" more topics may be added in the other fields to narrow down your search, such as "art," "architecture," and "science." From the results list, choosing any eBook will split the screen into two frames. Right-hand frame will display the current page; Previous & Next buttons on the bottom will display the previous & next pages. On the left-hand frame, navigate using the Table of Contents (which usually includes an Index), or Search Within located at the top left-hand corner (to type in your own searches and generate a list of matching pages).

NOTE: To make a Chicago-style citation, click the Cite button on top of the article, then choose Chicago/Turabian: Humanities. 

Encyclopaedia Britannica: Complete entries from Encyclopaedia Britannica, plus related magazine/journal articles & websites.

After typing in your search, the encyclopedia entries will appear in the middle of the screen; in addition, on the left-hand side, you may also access magazines, ebooks, primary sources, and websites from EBSCO. Type in "Renaissance" as your search, then click on the first encyclopedia link in the middle of the results screen. On the bottom of each page is a list of more Britannica articles about specific Renaissance topics -- reference, history, philosophy, science/technology, people, etc. -- followed by good websites.

NOTE: To make a Chicago-style citation, on the top right-hand corner of the entry, click the check-marked box icon, then in the Select Citation Style menu, choose Chicago Manual of Style.  

History Reference Center (EBSCO): Motherload of history-related information from reference books, encyclopedias, magazines, historical documents, multimedia, etc.

On the search screen, click on the Full Text box below the search fields. Then, to the right of it, go to the Timeline menu and select World History -- Renaissance and the Age of Exploration (1351-1600 CE). 

NOTE: To make a Chicago-style citation, after choosing to print, e-mail, or save your article, go to the Citation Format menu, then choose Chicago/Turabian: Humanities. 

MasterFILE Premier (EBSCO): Full-text articles from history & culture journals, stretching back over a hundred years of publication.

On the search screen, first click on the Full Text box below the search fields, then type in your topics; add at least one other term after "Renaissance" for specific results. 

NOTE: To make a Chicago-style citation, after choosing to print, e-mail, or save your article, go to the Citation Format menu, then choose Chicago/Turabian: Humanities. 

Salem History: Worldwide history database offering biographies of famous people from specific time periods.

First, go below the search field on the top left-hand corner to the Topic menu and select Western Civilization/European History, then type in "Renaissance" on top.

Virtual Reference Library (Gale): Complete entries from reference books put online.

Search by typing in "Renaissance Europe."

NOTE: To make a Chicago-style citation, on the top right-hand corner of each entry, click the Citation Tools link, then in the Choose Citation Format menu, click on Chicago 16th Edition.


BBC - History - British History in depth: The Myth of the Renaissance in Europe:

Exhibits Collection -- Renaissance:

History of the Renaissance in Europe: A rebirth, renewal, rediscovery:

Internet Medieval Sourcebook: Selected Sources: Renaissance:

Subject Guide

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