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Educator's Reference Complete (Gale): Multiple magazine/journal articles plus education reports.
On the search screen, first click on to Full Text Documents box below the search fields, then below that, click on the After option beside by publication date(s) & choose 31 December 2010. When you type in your topics, add at least one other term after "FCAT" or "No Child Left Behind" for specific results, such as "Statistics."
NOTE: To make a citation, on the top right-hand corner of each entry, click the Citation Tools link, then in the Choose Citation Format menu, click on the correct one.
Education Source (EBSCO): Education conference papers, ebooks, journals, and monographs.
On the search screen, click the Full Text box beneath the search fields. Below it, go to Published Date and limit your search fron January 2011 to the present date. When you type in your topics, add at least one other term after "FCAT" or "No Child Left Behind" for specific results, such as "Statistics."
NOTE: To make a citation, after choosing to print, e-mail, or save your article, go to the Citation Format menu, then click on the correct one.
ERIC (EBSCO): PSC's best education article database.
On the search screen, first click on the Full Text box below the search fields, then beside it, change Date Published frp, January 2011 to the present date. When you type in your topics, add at least one other term after "FCAT" or "No Child Left Behind" for specific results, such as "Statistics."
NOTE: To make a citation, after choosing to print, e-mail, or save your article, go to the Citation Format menu, then click on the correct one.
LexisNexis Academic: One-stop shopping for journal/magazine/newspaper articles, blogs, TV/radio/cable transcripts, statistics, etc.
When you type in your topics, add at least one other term after "FCAT" or "No Child Left Behind" for specific results, such as "FCAT AND Statistics." Below the search field, under the Advanced Options menu, limit the Date on the top left corner from January 1, 2011 to the present date. Under Content Type on the bottom, click the Select All box to deselect everything, then click tne Newspapers box and the red Apply button.