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You must log in to use library databases and eBooks. When prompted to log in, enter your Passport credentials.
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The Harvard Dictionary of Music. REF ML 100 .H37 2003 (Look up "Modern")
NOTE: Currently-enrolled students have paid for PSC databases through their tuition
BIOGRAPHY IN CONTEXT (GALE): Complete biographies of famous people throughout human history, living & deceased, from academic journals, primary sources, periodicals, reference books, & websites.
On the top right-hand corner, type in the person's full name, including middle name if known (Johann Sebastian Bach). The results will be divided into different categories, the best of which is Reference; click on either the link on the left or the link above the center listing to pull up all the entries in that category.
SPECIAL CITATION NOTE: Each result has an entry at the bottom, but it is NOT in Chicago-Style. Click on the CITATION TOOLS button on the top right-hand corner of the article, then on the pop-up's CHOOSE CITATION FORMAT menu, choose CHICAGO 16TH EDITION to convert it.
ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITTANNICA: Complete entries from Encyclopaedia Britannica, plus related magazine/journal articles & websites.
On the top middle-part of the screen, type in the style of music ("Baroque music") or the musician (George Handel) as your search, then click on the first encyclopedia link in the middle of the results screen. Within each article, on the left-hand side, you may also access articles, ebooks, and websites about your topic.
CHICAGO-STYLE CITATION: On the bottom of each page, click on Chicago Manual of Style above the MLA citation to change it to Chicago; you must do this in every article you access in this database.
HUMANITIES SOURCE (EBSCO): Full-text journal & magazine articles.
First, click the Full Text box below the Clear and Start buttons on the right-hand side, then type in your specific topic, such as "Baroque music" or "Antonio Vivaldi." (Make sure to include a middle name, if the person has one.) When choosing articles, stick to HTML Full Text whenever possible.
CHICAGO-STYLE CITATION IN HTML FULL TEXT: After going to the right-hand side of the article & choosing among Print/E-Mail/Save, click on the Citation Format menu, then choose Chicago-Turabian: Author-Date. The citation will appear on top of the article, but the URL needed at the end of the citation will be just below it; when adding the citation to your paper, please move the URL up to form the end part of the citation.
CHICAGO-STYLE CITATION IN PDF FULL TEXT: On the top left-hand corner of the article, click on the Detailed Format link. On the next screen, go to the right-hand side & click on Print, then click on the Citation Format menu & choose Chicago-Turabian: Author-Date. It will appear on the next screen without the article attached. The URL needed at the end of the citation will be just below it; when adding the citation to your paper, please move the URL up to form the end part of the citation. (SPECIAL NOTE: If you choose E-Mail/Save instead of Print, click on the Citation Format menu & choose Chicago-Turabian: Author-Date; the job should automatically include the article as an attachment, along with the citation.)
OXFORD MUSIC ONLINE: Complete entries from reference books published by Oxford University Press.
Using the Basic Search field on the top right-hand corner, type in either the form of music ("Baroque") or the musician, with last name given with a comma, followed by the first name & middle name ("Bach, Johann Sebastian"), then read the results taken from different reference books.
CHICAGO-STYLE CITATION: On the top right-hand corner of each article, click on the orange Cite button, then find the Chicago citation on the results list.
WORLD HISTORY IN CONTEXT (GALE): Complete entries from reference books, full-text periodicals, primary sources, websites, images, and video & audio online clips.
Search by typing in either the form of music (Baroque music) or the musician's name (Johann Sebastian Bach). The results will be divided into different categories, the best of which is Reference; click on either the link on the left or the link above the center listing to pull up all the entries in that category.
SPECIAL CITATION NOTE: Each result has an entry at the bottom, but it is NOT in Chicago-Style. Click on the CITATION TOOLS button on the top right-hand corner of the article, then on the pop-up's CITATION FORMAT menu, choose CHICAGO 16TH EDITION to convert it.