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SPC 1608 - Professor Gesmundo: Citing Images

Citing Images in APA format

Images used in your presentations must be cited like all other resources. You must also acknowledge the copyright permissions of images, graphs, tables, etc...Do so by inserting a caption alongside the image.  Captions serve as a brief but complete explanation of what the reader is looking at. 


 Caption example: (note the italics of Figure 1)

   Figure 1. How to create figures in APA style. This figure illustrates effective elements in APA style figures.


General template for images in print:

Author's or Artist's Last name, First initial only. (Year [if available, otherwise n.d.]). Description or title of image [Image format]. 
In First initial, Last name of author or editor, Book title (page range). Edition. Publishing place: Publisher, published year.

General template for digital images:

Author's or originator's Last name, First initial.
(Year of creation [if available, otherwise n.d.]). Description or title of image [Image format]. Retrieved Month date, Year from URL.


Other examples: 

  • Image with a title from a library database: 

            Rousseau, H. (1896). The ship in the storm [Painting]. Musee de l'Orangerie, Paris. Retrieved from Oxford Art Online database.

  • Image with a title from a web site:

            Munch, E. (1893). The scream [Painting]. National Gallery, Oslo. Retrieved from

  • Image with a title scanned from a book:

            Rousseau, H. (1896). The ship in the storm [Painting]. Musee de l'Orangerie, Paris. Henri Rousseau: Jungles in Paris. By Claire Fresches et al. Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art. 232.

  • Image without a title from a library database:

            Muybridge, E. [Photograph of Syrian protests]. (2013). UPI Photo Collection. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

  • Image without a title from a printed source:

            Muybridge, E. [Photograph of a horse running]. (1887). National Gallery, London. River of shadows: Eadweard Muybridge and the technological wild West. By Rebecca Solnit. New York, NY: Viking. 52.



Citing a YouTube video

The general format is as follows:

Author, A. A. [Screen name]. (year, month day). Title of video
     [Video file]. Retrieved from http://xxxxx


Apsolon, M. [markapsolon]. (2011, September 9). Real ghost girl 
     caught on Video Tape 14 [Video file]. Retrieved from

(The capitalization [or lack thereof] in the screen name is in keeping with how it appears online.)

If the user’s real name is not available, include only the screen name, without brackets:

Source: APA style blog

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