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NUR 1020C - Professor Harto: Peer Reviewed Sources

This guide is a Library instruction companion for NUR 1020C.

What does peer review mean?

Peer-reviewed articles are publications reviewed by "experts in the field" prior to publication. After reading and evaluating the material, the reviewer informs the publisher if the document should be published or if any changes should be made prior to publication. Peer-reviewed materials are also referred to as Refereed. Peer-reviewed sources are significant to the research and the literature of most academic fields because they assure readers that the information conveyed is reliable and timely.

The video below will explain more about the peer-review process. 

Peer Review in 3 Minutes


How to find peer reviewed articles in the library databases

Many library databases, including CINAHL and Nursing & Allied Health, allow you to limit your search to only peer-reviewed journals.  On the search screen of the database, look for a checkbox that says "Peer Reviewed."

peer review check boxpeer review check box

The video below will show you additional ways to make sure a journal is peer-reviewed.

How to tell if a journal is peer reviewed?

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