Use the Find Citation tool in Ovid Nursing Database to look up a specific article
Let's use the Find Citation tool in Ovid Nursing Database to look up the full text for this article:
Francisco, M. A., Gesell, T., Meletis, S., & Bohr, N. (2022). Nurse-driven assessment, prevention, and management of delirium on an acute inpatient neurology unit. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 37(4), 334-341.
If a record is retrieved, check to see if a PDF of the article is available. In this case, the article is in the database.
If looking for a specific article, Google Scholar can be a useful place to search. Copy and paste the title into the search box.
The full text may be available to the right of the result
If the full text is not available, use Ask-A-Librarian for help! It may be possible to get the article through another database or through interlibrary loan.