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Searching in Ovid Nursing Database: Searching in Ovid Nursing Database

Overview: Please Read this First

The example below shows how Ovid Nursing Database can be used to construct a search for a clinical question. Let's say I am interested in the research on prone positioning for people with acute respiratory distress. This gives me two different ideas to search, which I want to combine: 

  • prone OR proning
  • "acute respiratory distress" OR ARS

In order to put these together in Ovid, I need to be in the Advanced Search. The database will not let me combine the different searches if I use the basic search. After I combine these, I also limit the search to research within the past 5 years. 

Lastly, I select a few articles, and add them to my search history in order to easily access those articles again. It is also a good habit to save any articles you want to use another way (e.g. downloading on your device and/or emailing the articles) as a backup. 

Searching in Ovid Nursing Database

To begin, I select All Resources and OK

In order to build a search, I need to go to the Advanced Search. From here I enter in my first idea, prone OR proning, and click Search

I can click on the Search History to view the search details. And now, I am going to search for my other concept. 

Still in the Advanced Search, I put in "acute respiratory distress" OR ARS and click Search.  Using quotes around "acute respiratory distress" keeps that phrase together

Then, from the Search History, I select the two searches and Combine with AND

This gives me 371 results

Some of these results are older, so I am going to scroll down and filter to sources from within the Past 5 years

I'm going to select the sources that interest me. I might want to look on other pages of the search, too. When I am done, I will filter by Selected Only

I scroll to the top, and click Keep Selected to add these selected searches to by Search History

I can Copy Search History Link to view these selected searches again later

The best way to learn this database is to experiment with the different features and filters. Happy searching! 


Ovid Help: Search History

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