This guide is meant to be a one stop easy to find site for everything related to our next gen ILS implementation of Alma and Primo VE. Instead of having to search trough emails and bookmark various sites, we can all just go to our LibGuides page and search for Alma to find everything we should need to know about Alma and Primo VE at any given moment. Going forward, this tab will contain quick reference links and new information for 2021! Have a general question or comment? Found an error in Alma? Want to suggest a chage to be made in Primo? Add it to our shared document in PIE: For info that's soooooo 2020, check out the 2020 Alma Primo Archive Tab above. The other Alma Libguide for TLCC, staff & faculty: |
Got training?
Oh yeah we do!
Training Checklist:
Tabs are listed alphabetically by first initial.
Alma PLAY ZONES are on the 1st tab & Workshops Completed is the 2nd tab.
Alma Glossary - Translates Aleph lingo into Alma lingo
Alma Role Profiles - Staff User Roles as of Jan 2021
Migration Data Prep Suggestions - Includes comments from Ex Libris
Note: All important meeting recordings and slides are on the "FALSC &/or Ex Libris Presentations" tab in the Next Gen ILS Implementation Box.
Welcome to your one stop shop for our Alma and Primo VE implementation.
Earth shattering revelations and important to-do's will live on this tab. For a more thorough update see the Good to Know box below this one.
October - To-Do's
September To-Do's:
Welcome to your one stop shop for our Alma and Primo VE implementation.
Earth shattering revelations and important to-do's will live on this tab. For a more thorough update see the Good to Know box below this one.
September To-Do's: FLVC is posting the recordings the week following the live workshops. |
August To-Do's:
July 2021 To-Do's:
![]() |
June 2021 To-Do's:
May 2021 To-Do's:
April 2021 To-Do's:
March 2021 To-Do's:
February 2021 To-Do's:
January 2021 To-Do's:
Below is a list of recordings for all major meetings and/or presentations related to the ILS Implementation Project. Many of these sessions were open and available to all library staff and cover topics that touch on all aspects of the project. Click on the corresponding link to view the presentation. Slides and other information may also be available.
Event | Presenter | Date | Link | Related Info. | ||
Vanguard Kickoff Meeting | Ex Libris | July 9, 2020 | Recording | |||
Vanguard Primo VE First Look | Ex Libris | September 18, 2020 | Recording | Slides | ||
Full Forty Kickoff Meeting | Ex Libris | November, 10, 2020 | Recording | Slides | ||
Primo VE Configuration Form Review | Ex Libris | December 1, 2020 | Recording (no longer available) |
Slides | ||
eResources in Alma/Primo VE | FALSC Staff | December 9, 2020 | Recording | Slides | ||
Leganto Demonstration | Ex Libris | February 2, 2021 | Recording | |||
Alma Spring Workshops Informational Webinar | Training Working Group | February 4, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
E-Resources Clean Up 856 Fields | Cat/Authorities WG | February 4, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Alma Full Forty Testload Release | Ex Libris | February 9, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Alma Data Review Workshop | FALSC Staff | February 12, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Full Forty Primo VE First Look | Ex Libris | February 16, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
eResources in Alma (Statewide eresources in the NZ, Linking parameters) | FALSC Staff | February 19, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
eResources in Alma (Finding "e" content, Display Logic rules, Autoholdings) | FALSC Staff | February 26, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Primo VE - Overview of Features (General and Links Menu) | FALSC Staff | March 5, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Primo VE - Overview of Features (Discovery Admin Session) | FALSC Staff | March 5, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Alma Analytics Workshop | Ex Libris | March 9, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Primo VE - Overview of Features 2 (Releases, Brief Results, & Facets) | FALSC Staff | March 12, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
eResources (FLVC Optimizing Alma Activations for the Central Discover Index (CDI) | Ex Libris | March 16, 2021 | N/A | Slides | ||
eResources Office Hours (PubMed, Google Scholar, Database types of records) | FALSC Staff | March 19, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Primo VE - Overview of Features 3 (Record Actions, Dedup/FRBR, PubMed, & Google Scholar) | FALSC Staff | March 19, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Primo VE - Overview of Features 4 (Permalinks, Mango redirect, EDS/Full Text Finder, adding fields to display) | FALSC Staff | March 26, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
eResources Permalinks, Mango redirect, EDS/Full Text Finder, eResources Activation spreadsheet for cutover | FALSC Staff | March 26, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
eResources - Two Primo views, eResources activation form, planning for go live, adding institution specific linking parameters | FALSC Staff | April 2, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Primo VE - Record display fields, local fields, two Primo views | FALSC Staff | April 2, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Resource Sharing in Alma - how UBorrow functionality will be configured in Alma and Primo VE | Ex Libris | April 2, 2021 | Recording | No Slides | ||
Primo VE - Local (custom) fields, Hathi Trust, Donor field, Labels, slow response, location maps (if in Mango already), AAL widget | FALSC Staff | April 9, 2021 | Recording1 Recording2 |
Slides | ||
eResources - Links from portfolios, IZbibs, Athenized URLs that don't work (working with Ex Libris for fix with Alma replacing %26 with &) | FALSC Staff | April 9, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Aleph Freeze and Alma Go-Live | FALSC Staff | April 16, 2021 | Recording | |||
Primo VE - My Account, Search profiles/scopes, Deep linking, creating a search box to embed on a web page, Display of holdings information | FALSC Staff | April 16, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
eResources - ProQuest ebook central, Suppressed records, Why certain records appear in Primo and where they come from | FALSC Staff | April 16, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Primo VE - A Second Look | Ex Libris | May 7, 2021 | Recording | |||
Alma Analytics and Reports Delivery | FALSC Staff | May 28, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Resource Sharing - UBorrow in Alma and Primo VE | FALSC Staff | June 2, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Work Orders & Related Records ("bound with") | FALSC Staff | June 8, 2021 | Recording | |||
Open Office Hours in UBorrow | FALSC Staff | June 9, 2021 | N/A? | |||
Alma Analytics: Basics of Finding and Modifying Reports |
June 11, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Primo Office Hours | FALSC Staff | June 14, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Open Office Hours in UBorrow | FALSC Staff | June 14, 2021 | N/A? | |||
Library Hours Webinar - Changing Library Hours in Alma | FLVC Staff | Aug 18, 2021 | Recording | Slides | ||
Fall Workshops - Multiple Workshops: eResources, Primo VE, Physical Resources (Acquisitions), Cataloging, & Alma Analytics | Ex Libris Staff | Sept 2021 | Link to Recordings |
Last updated Aug 18, 2021 - Table mostly taken from FALSC Next Gen ILS Implementation LibGuide
Only the recordings from week 2 will live here. The remainder will (most likely) be posted on a date in the near future here:
Spring Workshop Recordings
FALSC have made the recordings of each session of the workshops available for staff to watch. The recordings listed below are from the Week 2 workshop held March 8-11, 2021. The presenter for all sessions was Pam Tejes from Ex Libris.
Please use these recordings as a refresher or to catch up on a session that you could not attend. However, they are not a substitute for the for the live, interactive sessions that are currently being offered each week until May 6th.
Also, it is imperative that if you cannot attend the Introductory session offered each Monday morning from 9:30-10:30am, but you are attending other sessions later in the week, that you watch the recording of the Introductory session. For instance, if you registered to attend one or more sessions on Fulfillment (Circulation) which are offered on Wednesday and Thursday, you should either attend the Monday morning session or watch the recording listed on this page. Information given in the Introduction session will not be repeated explicitly in other sessions.
[Note: There were two technical issues during the workshop that temporarily halted the session and stopped the recording. Because of this, the first part of session 3 and the second part of session 8 have multiple recordings.]
Session | Date Recorded | Topics Covered | Link |
Introduction | March 08, 2021 Morning |
Introduction Workshop Overview Inventory Model, Searching User Roles and Tasks |
Video Recording (1hr 5min) |
Session 1 | March 08, 2021 Morning |
Technical Services Overview |
Video Recording (1hr 7min) |
Session 2 Part 1 |
March 08, 2021 Afternoon |
Ordering |
Video Recording |
Session 2 Part 2 |
March 08, 2021 Afternoon |
Receiving, Activating Receiving One-time Receiving Subscriptions (with/without predictions) Activating E-Resources |
Video Recording (1:13 min) |
Session 3 Part 1 |
March 09, 2021 Morning |
Invoicing |
Video Recording |
Session 3 Part 2 |
March 09, 2021 Morning |
Manual Cataloging and Record Management Post-Receiving Processing & Work Orders Metadata Editor: Templates, Locked Records, Copy Cataloging Authority Control Item Editor |
Video Recording (1hr, 30min) |
Session 4 | March 09, 2021 Afternoon |
Bulk Catalog, Inventory, and Delivery Maintenance Import Profiles PDA/DDA Bulk Processing: Records, Inventory, Order Lines, Users |
Video Recording (1hr 38min) |
Session 5 | March 09, 2021 Afternoon |
Technical Services Q & A |
Video Recording (1hr 35min) |
Session 6 Part 1 |
March 10, 2021 Morning |
Fulfillment Overview |
Video Recording |
Session 6 Part 2 |
March 10, 2021 Morning |
User Management and Notices User Records: Structure, Ownership, Synchronization Registering New Users Customizing and Test Notices |
Video Recording |
Session 7 | March 10, 2021 Afternoon |
Patron Services Loan, Return Fines and Fees Overriding Blocks |
Video Recording |
Session 8 Part 1 |
March 11, 2021 Morning |
Requests & Resource Sharing |
Video Recording (1hr 11min) |
Session 8 Part 2 |
March 11, 2021 Morning |
Course Reserves Courses and Reading Lists Scan-in Reserve Management |
Video Recording |
Session 9 | March 11, 2021 Afternoon |
Fulfillment Q & A |
Video Recording |
Fall Workshop Recordings (September 2021):
All of the FLVC / Ex Libris Fall Workshop recordings will be available here:
FLVC is posting the recordings the week following the live workshops.
All institutions will go live on Alma/Primo VE on Tuesday, July 13, 2021.
In order to successfully transition all data from Aleph to Alma, it will be necessary to pause various system processes and services currently available to library staff and patrons. Below is a timeline that details when these processes and services will be affected. Please be assured that the dates listed were not made arbitrarily, but rather after numerous discussions between FALSC and Ex Libris; both keeping in mind the amount of time needed to successfully convert the data and the desire to allow the least amount of disruption to library services as possible.
March 1, 2021 - May 7, 2021 - Ex Libris Spring Workshops
March 10, 2021 - Functionality Testing Officially Begins
FALSC New ILS Implementation Timeline (All Phases):
Eight Working Groups:
They want YOU !
To facilitate this broad participation, FALSC has set up eight discussion lists, one for each working group, where any library staff can subscribe. Each working group is obligated to post notes from each of their meetings to their respective discussion list and monitor all messages posted to it. The working groups are also encouraged to post questions to the list asking for input. They may also sponsor open web meetings from time to time to invite discussion on a particular topic. These lists are a wonderful way to stay informed and contribute to the project.
Feel free to subscribe to as many of these lists as you want. Joining a list is pretty straightforward, and instructions are listed below.
How to join an Alma/Primo VE Implementation Discussion List
FALSC Next Gen ILS Implementation Homepage FALSC "will be using this LibGuide to share information among the teams, Working Groups and Discussion Groups outlined in the Organization Framework for Implementation Document and the Organizational Framework for Implementation Graphic. Please feel free to check back to this guide often for updates and the latest information on this exciting project." Everything you ever wanted to know about the ILS transition lives here. |
Things to know:
FLVC will be implementing a policy beginning in October whereby all staff accounts that have never been used to log into Alma or that have been inactive for at least 90 days will have their user roles suspended. This means that these accounts will still be in the system, but that they cannot be used to log into Alma and thereby will not count toward our user limit. An automated process that can identify and suspend these accounts will be run several times during the year. Any suspended accounts can be easily restored by contacting the FLVC Help Desk at
FLVC will be running this process for the first time on Monday, October 11th.
ILS Implementation Project Update:
Members of the Executive Committee of the MCLS approved to sunset the Organizational Framework for the ILS Implementation Project effective August 27, 2021. This means that the 8 Working Groups, the Implementation Team, and the Steering Committee will be disbanded after this date.
DARA Recommendations:
Many of you have noticed a new icon in Alma now that we’re live. It’s the middle one shown below, a face with a number in a blue circle. This icon is DARA, Ex Libris’ Data Analysis Recommendation Service.
Some key points about DARA recommendations:
These are just recommendations and not tasks that must be done. For example, many recommendations appearing for staff with eresources and cataloging roles have to do with linking standalone bibs to activated collections. This can be done now, later, or not at all. These are appearing in Alma as recommendations because Ex Libris’ model is to activate eresource collections from the Community Zone (CZ) to take advantage of global updates at the collection level and to not have a lot of standalone bibs.
Google Scholar:
One of the tasks each institution should do post-go live is to make sure their Alma/Primo Google Scholar registration and holdings have been successfully harvested by Google. The Google Scholar registrations were completed in Alma before cutover and the Google Scholar holdings files have been running weekly for a couple of weeks now. We don’t know Google’s schedule for crawling the registrations and the holdings files, and it can take 4-6 weeks. However, we heard from Santa Fe College that Google Scholar now shows their Alma/Primo options. The new links might be available for others now as well. Please verify that your Alma/Primo links are available. You might need to refer to these instructions at Google to verify your new links are in place: If you don’t see that the links are now going to Alma/Primo, please report that information to the FLVC Help Desk.
FLVC will contact EBSCO to turn off the holdings export from Full Text Finder by the end of August. The Full Text Finder subscription ends at the end of September, but we need to make sure that Google processes the EBSCO Full Text Finder registration cancellations before then.
Actual ILS Implementation Project – continues for the next month. After that we go into regular maintenance mode with ExLibris.
Posing questions like everyone else.
Future of ILS Coordinators & Implementation - Working groups & Implementation team – Items will pass to the FLVC standing committees in September. The ILS Coordinators will remain
Proposal for an e-resources standing committee – Bonita & Tina Buck will be writing the charge to go with that proposal. – “Alma has the great potential to truly integrate Acq, Cata and ERM together”
Resource sharing upcoming enhancements – Wendy spoke about some of these during the first 10 minutes of the meeting.
Sandboxes – FLVC got the new 12 test environments (info and passwords were sent to library staff via email on 8/17/21. The 3 play areas we had for the last year are no longer available now.
*Additional Alma/Primo VE training
5 upcoming workshops - TBA
*FLVC MIGHT post some of the other initial training workshops (Only 2 of the 10 were posted).
Updating library hours in Alma – Webinar held this week 8/18 – 33 minutes long including Q&A.
Notes from various sources since 8/19:
Alma/Primo VE Resource LibGuide:
This new website provides library staff with:
Much of the content from the ILS Implementation Libguide has been copied or duplicated to this new Libguide. While the ILS Implementation Libguide is still active, it is anticipated that when the project is officially complete in September, FLVC will retire the ILS Implementation Libguide and post information only to the new Alma/Primo VE Resource Libguide.
The site is organized with links to general content about Alma and Primo VE on the main page. For each functional section of Alma (Fulfillment, Analytics, E-resources, etc.) and for Primo VE, there is a link to a separate guide with information and policies specific to that area. This should allow users to easily pinpoint content that is specific to their job duties. Each guide will also contain a FAQ page. FLVC staff have been adding to the FAQs as staff have been submitting questions to the Help Desk or from some of the Open Office Hour sessions that have been held since we’ve gone live.
While this new Libguide contains much information, it is far from complete. We realize there is important content missing from the site. FLVC staff will be adding to the Libguide over the next several months and then updating the information as the system and our policies change. We feel that the guide is far enough along now to release it, and we will continue to add content as time goes by. So, please bear with us as we work to make this site better in the near future.
Some early notes for July, from various sources.
Premium Sandboxes:
FLVC has always had a test environment for all institutions with Aleph. However, with a cloud-based service, it is typical for the vendor to not provide a sandbox for every institution. Ex Libris does allow for two types of test environments: ones that are shared with all institutions and ones that are restricted to only users from a particular institution. Shared test instances have anonymized patron data so that specific personal information is not accessible to library staff outside of that institution.
The institutions in the test environment may be changed once per year, as needed.
Shared Test Environment (All users can access; patron data anonymized)
Miami Dade College
Pasco-Hernando State College
University of West Florida
Dedicated Test Environment (Only users from the institution can access)
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida International University
Florida State University
Santa Fe College
University of Central Florida
University of Florida
University of North Florida
University of South Florida
Valencia College
All test environments are refreshed twice a year in August and February. FLVC can request to swap out institutions (add one and remove another) annually during the summer. In the future, FLVC will have a procedure in place for institutions to request to be included as one of the test environment libraries due to specific project or other need. This process will be reviewed over the next year.
ILC Coordinators meeting: July 14th
“Either our crew is suffering in silence, or everything is great!”
FALSC is continuing to work on various configurations & issues
Highest concern- Downtimes:
Day 1- 2 downtimes – authentication server crashed twice.
Day 2 – Ex Libris Cloud Server crashed – still looking for the root cause.
You can check the Ex Libris System Status page: Our Alma and Primo VE instances are hosted on NA07
99.5% uptime for Alma – IN OUR CONTRACT
Webinars - UBorrow – 1-2, Office Hours Session Q&A - 2-4, Next Tuesday – joint use session (we’re not joint use) – Ex Libris 9-10:30am - Walk through some of the enhanced features Ex Libris added.
FALSC LibGuides - Go live known issues & Go live resources
Adding additional sections as well
Test environments (Premium sandboxes)– see email Should receive with the refresh in August.
2 choices – shared vs closed (just for 1 certain institution)
We have 3 shared & 9 closed FLVC has access to all of them.
3 shared - Open to everyone with anonymized patron records: UWF, PHSC, MDC
Monthly releases of new Alma enhancements – New enhancements hit the test environments 2 months early.
2021 Release Schedule:
Migration error reports - posted under the go live resources
Admin roles – many things require so many changes … Many privileges allow people with various roles to change things that can alter things for ALL institutions. Note:A fulfillment admin role accidentally given to 1 institution – broke the entire UBorrow setup
Printer setup? Can email the help desk for that admin role….? Printing seems to work fine for us.
Helpdesk Backlog - Help desk was inundated with requests to add staff roles & they weren’t able to add any until 7/13
Day 1 - 4:30pm 190 requests to the helpdesk
Significant Known Issues:
Gale Academic OneFile was inadvertently removed from the CZ - not activated. Solution - Activate manually when notified.
Open Athens linking failure with migrated bibs that require encoded URLs - Vendors affected include Films on Demand and Ovid. Activated collections do not have this problem. Solution TBD
Ex Libris recommends that you do not work with Alma, or Alma related products like Primo, in multiple tabs of the same browser. Correction made 7/15 – CAN have Alma & Primo VE open in the same browser. Do NOT have two instances of Alma open in the same browser.To work with Alma in multiple tabs, open each tab in a different browser (e.g., one tab in Chrome and the other in Firefox).
*** Reminder: As of May 2021- Primo VE no longer supports Internet Explorer
Some early notes for June, from various sources.
UBorrow webinar - 6/2/21
Recording & slides are on the FALSC &/ or Ex Libris Presentations Tab (I recommend revewing the slides)
Our UBorrow folks that did not attend the live event should watch the recording as we need to begin testing while we still can.
Notes from the meeting:
FALSC Update:
Make sure to load & test Alma offline circulation if using after freeze (We will NOT be using this. Use our internal “Manual Checkout Form” instead. A link to this form will be emailed by SS as a reminder during the first week of July.)
Timeline reminders:
Someone asked if Alma training documentation could be shared in draft mode, so staff could use for training before test load environment is gone (possibly?)
Current Primo customizations will carry over to go live, but save files for backup in case something goes wrong.
All LINCC reports & error reports WILL still be available to reference following go live.
Circ Staff in particular will want to know this (from the FALSC LibGuide):
There is also info on "Prining in Alma" on the FALSC LibGuide
From Office Hours meeting:
Programmers @ FALSC - New solution for Mango Permalinks
EDS, Full text finder, curriculum builder – ENDS Sept 30th - Redirect on Mango for all 40.
For those wanting embedded search boxes on library web pages - ExLibris has documentation (code) to accomplish this that we could use.
***Proof-of-Concept Service – Primo is not integrating well with the SSO for some of the colleges.
Some early notes for May, from various sources.
Alma-Generic sign in: FALSC deactivated the generic sign in accounts as of May 1, 2021. They were only meant to be a temporary solution for those w/o functioning staff accounts.
Resource Sharing: Pick Up Locations for hold requests has been completed. Pick Up Locations for Resource Sharing requests are still in progress.
End of Aleph - FALSC needs to focus on Alma/Primo VE going forward. If there's a change we would like in Aleph, first consider if it's something we can wait to do in Alma instead.
Letters - FALSC requested ONE email address from each institution, where patrons can respond if they need to follow up. For Go-Live, our address will be the generic library email for WH. After the transition to Alma, we will be able to "set up email addresses tied to specific locations" and add the LK email.
Use of Mango After Go-Live – One institution asked about this possibility, and about having a special banner with their own wording. After July 8th, Mango will be available until September 30th in a read-only mode. This means that the data in Mango will not be updated. In fact, loading new or edited records will cease on May 27th when the database freeze happens in Aleph. Patron empowerment features such as UBorrow and hold requests will not be available to users. (UBorrow was disabled May 1st and hold requests will be turned off on July 8th.) After July 8th, the availability information (on Shelf, checked out, etc.) will not display since it will be inaccurate. Even the My Account information will not be truly accurate after Go-Live since all current circulation records will be kept in Alma and available in Primo VE. The main reason that Mango will still be available is for the many permalinks that will still exist in libraries’ Libguides and learning management systems. Therefore, FALSC doesn’t recommend that any institution continue to use it as a public facing tool after Go-Live.
Notes from meeting:
FALSC Update:
May 24th & 25th – ExLibris will send new config forms to FALSC – we will need to resubmit… no date provided for when we will receive them or when they will be due.
May 28th – special Aleph user accounts for Circ
June 15 – Functional testing ends / configuration freeze - The 2 default sandboxes will be available from
June 15th until Go live (sign in info & links on our training checklist
July 8th – 12th – We made the decision to NOT use Alma’s offline circ & will be tracking circ using a spreadsheet.
Workshops: Now over, but recordings from Two weeks are still available.
Mango will still be available for the many permalinks that will still exist in libraries’ Libguides and learning management systems. FALSC doesn’t recommend that any institution continue to use it as a public facing tool after Go-Live.
Some early notes for April, from various sources.
Item Process Statuses:
In Aleph, Item Process Statuses were usually used to designate items as undergoing a "behind the scenes" process in cataloging, acquisitions, or circulation. Adding an IPS to an item made it easy to find them using Aleph's reports.
Alma does not use Item Process Statuses and instead uses Work Orders and Work Order Statuses to keep track of items requiring processing. In Alma, instead of running a report to find items that require work, they are available in a list and can be retrieved with just a few clicks.
The following are the Item Process Status Codes for our Institution:
Polk | ||
Item Status | Item Process Status | Description |
## | OI | Order Initiated |
## | OR | On Order |
## | IP | In process |
## | MI | Missing |
## | WD | Withdrawn |
## | OD | On Display |
## | SB | Sent to Binder |
## | SC | Send to Cataloging |
## | CT | In Cataloging |
## | CA | Cancelled |
## | BP | Binding Preparation |
## | BD | In House Repair |
## | DM | Damaged |
## | CL | Claimed |
## | NA | Has Not Arrived |
## | FO | Faculty Office |
## | NP | Not Published |
## | TE | Technical Department |
## | VC | Vendor Cancelled |
## | LC | Library Cancelled |
## | DO | In Dept. Office |
## | NR | RegularLoan/NonRequest |
## | NC | NonCirculating |
## | CO | Claimed Lost |
## | CR | Claimed Returned |
## | AL | Assumed Lost |
## | LO | Lost |
## | NO | Not Ordered |
## | IL | ILL |
## | IS | In-Storage |
A printable version of this list as well as related cleanup instructions for Aleph/Alma can be found in PIE: HERE
Digital Functionality in Alma Webinar - Ex Libris webinar held April 5th
Monthly status report from Ex Libris:
LIVE FALSC webinars from last week:
Simplified Alma Acquisitions Webinar – Not sure if any of the content presented will be useful for us…. some fund info, lots of serials workflows, some creation of skeleton records being created & tracked by acquisitions (w/o really using real money)
Switch from Aleph to Alma - June & July
Spring Workshop Updates
Things learned via random webinars & emailing FALSC over the past month:
Patron letters – The creation of or turning on/off of the many Letter options will be managed by FLVC. A document/survey will be sent to us soon to solicit the information needed to set up notifications. (After Go Live we will have the option to manage them ourselves. IF we choose to do so, there will be some type of training provided by FALSC) I am also assuming this survey will ask which emails we would like to have activated to test this functionality. (Currently we are unable to add functioning emails).
Some early notes for March, from various sources. Additional notes will be added to the March tab through 3/20/21
Primo customizations – We can do our own (to a point) or have FALSC do it for us – After playing around a bit, we opted to go with the FALSC version using our branded colors & it’s now on our live site.
Analytics webinar – hopefully staff all understand what needs to be created & what already exists, etc.
FALSC- Working on 3rd party integrations.
Latest Timeline
May 1st - UBorrow is suspended (UBorrow demo for Alma – beginning of April – You should have received an email invite from me on 3/11 to register for this)
May 27th COB – Tech Services Freeze Begins – (6-week freeze) this is as tight as they could make the timeline.
May 28th – FALSC copies EVERYTHING from Aleph Production Server
June 15th – Alma Configuration Freeze
June 28th – Automated processes cease in Aleph - EXCEPT those directly affecting circulation
July 2nd – Patron loads stop
July 8th COB - Fulfillment (circulation) freeze Friday 9th – 12th
Use offline circ program or something else… FALSC will host a How to use Alma offline circ software special webinar – details much later
July 9th – Aleph placed into “read only” mode till July 2022 (1 year)
July 13th - A BRAND NEW DAY
Q&A - The was some discussion and concerns about vendor records, acquisitions,.. – not us!
Love timelines and want to know more?
FALSC added a new tab on their implementation timeline page for the “Go-Live Phase” (An overview of their To-Do’s for those that are interested) -
Spring workshops – 10 weeks of training. There are 9 sessions & the first session is an intro session.
Session |
Date Recorded |
Topics Covered |
LInk |
Introduction |
March 08, 2021 |
Introduction |
Survey Update
Potential training for after Go Live - Link ebooks to ERM
OMG - So many important meetings for February - many of which you will probably want to watch or at least view the slides for.
Where are these slides & recordings?
So glad you asked! Why, they are now in the box above this one on the "FALSC &/or Ex Libris Presentations". FALSC just added a similar table to their LibGuide today & I totally stole it! (With Daves' permission of course - got it in writing!)
Biggest takeaways from the multiple February meetings so far:
*We received one of our two BIG Valentine’s Day gifts from FALSC late Tuesday 2/9/21 afternoon - Our instance of Alma (replacing - Aleph)
We will get our instance of Primo VE (replacing - Mango) sometime next week
There are 2 links to our Alma instance & 1 to the Network Zone. All three links and their explanations are in the “It’s Finally Here” box on this page, as well as at the top of the Play Zones tab in our Alma/Primo VE training checklist.
Next 3 weeks: Get comfortable searching & verify our data migrated “correctly.”
We were instructed NOT to Change ANY data until the end of the month (when functional/workflow testing will begin.
A few things to spot check:
*We were also gifted with multiple documents that initially appeared torturous, but now seem much less so. FALSC (with the help of Aleph) has prepopulated most of the answers! We basically need to double check them and see if anything needs to be changed. Copies of all those documents are in the “February FALSC Alma Documents” folder in PIE. This link also lives at the top of the Play Zones tab in our Alma/Primo VE training checklist. (Things that do not pertain to us (ex/ Acquisitions) should be left blank).
Remember - We need you!
Next Friday – “Open hours” meeting – Topic: NEW eresource activation worksheets… linking parameters (looking forward to cutover) – Jarrod & Shannon will attend.
UBorrow - Stop date before cutover - Tentatively 5/1/21. There will be additional information about this later.
March – May: Functional testing, & workshops, & setting up of 3rd party integration, Oh my!
Overview/Status of the Alma Implementation (as of 1/13/21)
Webinars / Workshops / Trainings
Reports subgroup of the Systems-Reports Working Group
End of February – timeline for the freeze for “cutover” will be finalized. (cataloging, circ)
Updates on Work by ILS Coordinators
Other & Future Topics:
Document Name | Date Due | Date Submitted |
“Item Status and Collection Clean Up” | 10/14/2020 | 10/13/2020 |
Borrower Status Clean Up spreadsheet | 11/20/2020 | 11/7/2020 |
“Duplicate Barcodes” report - optional (but important) | 10/23/2020 | Completed by Melissa on our behalf 10/23/2020 |
eResources Activation Form | 11/6/2020 | Revised version submitted 11/6/2020 |
Alma Staff Roles Worksheet | 1/15/2021 | 1/14/21 |
Primo VE Configuration Forms | 1/13/2021 | 1/11/21 |
Patron Load Test Files | 2/1/2021 | 1/29/21 |
Final eResources Activation Form | 5/13/2021 | 5/11/21 |
Patron Load New Test File & Survey... | 4/16/2021 | 4/16/21 - Success! |