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LIT 1000 - Introduction to Literature, Prof. Larson: MLA Resources & Avoiding Plagiarism

Why Cite?

Why do we "Document" or "Cite" sources?

A properly formatted works cited or references page will show readers the sources you consulted, giving credit to those authors for their ideas. 

Whenever you base your ideas on another person's work or quote someone, you must document the source you utilized. Even when you do not quote directly from someone elses' work, if reading that source contributed to the ideas presented in your paper, you must credit the author to avoid plagiarizing them. Whether you paraphrase or directly quote, always give credit to the source(s) you consulted.


Plagiarism is the act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization or representing another's work as one's own.

MLA Citations Simplified

Works Cited - MLA Format Tutorial

This 7 minute video tutorial will walk you through formatting a Works Cited page that already includes database generated citations.

Note: Adding a running head is not covered in this tutorial. It was omitted to save time as this video was created to be one in a series made by various librarians. The running head on a works cited page, in MLA's 8th or 9th editions, should consist of your last name and page number, aligned to the right corner in the header.

FREE MLA Citation Creation Tools on the Web


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