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TLCC Testing Procedure: Policy

Details outlining current TLCC Testing Center policies for students, faculty, and the community are available in this guide.

Policy Document

Integrity and Confidentiality

Testing Center Integrity and Confidentiality 

All tests are kept and administered securely by TLCC Testing staff. The TLCC Testing staff adhere strictly to the instructions provided by the faculty regarding time limits or aids allowed such as calculators, books, note cards, and scratch paper. Test administrators are required to follow the established testing procedures for each test. This includes maintaining required certifications and training for state and national assessments.  

  • All test materials will be kept in secure, locked storage prior to and after test administration.  
  • All test materials will be accounted for and documented when tests are received and returned. 
  • Testing materials not collected within 30 days of the test completion date will be uploaded to the online scheduling/submission system and originals shredded.
  • Visual surveillance will be utilized and reviewed with faculty and administration upon request.  

Polk State College is committed to equal access/equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment. For additional information, visit