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Florida Civic Literacy Assessment and Graduation Requirements: Florida Administrative Code FAQ

This guide was created to help you understand the new state requirements for civic literacy in Florida for of all students beginning Fall 2021 and to help you prepare for successfully completing those requirements.

Rule 6A-10.02413, Florida Administrative Code, Civic Literacy Competency Implementation FAQ

Implementation Questions and Answers

1. What are the competencies that are required in the courses and assessments approved in Rule 6A-10.02413, F.A.C.?

Governor DeSantis and the Florida Legislature prioritized and promoted the development of civic literacy to ensure that every college student develops:
• An understanding of the basic principles and practices of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government;
• An understanding of the United States Constitution and its application;
• Knowledge of the founding documents and how they have shaped the nature and functions of our institutions of self-government; and
• An understanding of landmark Supreme Court cases, landmark legislation and landmark executive actions and their impact on law and society.

2. To whom does the civic literacy competency requirement apply?

3. Does “initially entering” mean the same thing as first-time-in-college (FTIC)?

No. Original rule language adopted for 2018-19 limited application to FTIC students. Rule language in place for 2021-22 and beyond ensures students who are initially entering under 2021-22 catalog years and forward will be required to meet the statutory requirement to demonstrate civic literacy competency prior to the award of their degree.

4. Other than administrative Rule 6A-10.02413, F.A.C., are there additional state requirements governing policies on assigning catalog year and readmits?

No. Policies and procedures relating to assigning catalog years are left to institutions to determine.

5. Can you clarify how the rule applies to students who were previously dual enrolled, to
transfer students, and to out-of-state students?

The civic literacy competency requirement applies to all degree-seeking students regardless of prior postsecondary coursework unless they previously met the requirement as part of another degree. This includes formerly dual enrolled students, transfer students, and students from out-of-state.

6. How does this rule apply to baccalaureate students who are entering with an AA or AS/AAS

Baccalaureate students under the 2021-22 catalog year are required to meet the civic literacy course and assessment requirement unless they previously met the requirement as part of another degree.

7. Is there a resource in statute or in the administrative code that defines the catalog year in
effect rather than initially entering an FCS institution?

No, how catalog years are assigned is at the discretion of the local institution.

8. Will AS program lengths be expanded to accommodate the extra coursework as a result of the rule amendment?

At this time, there are no plans to expand program lengths to accommodate the requirement.

9. Once the civic literacy competency requirement has been met, does it have to be “re-met” or renewed if a student graduates and transfers or enrolls in a different program type?

No, once the civic literacy competency requirement has been met as part of a previously earned degree, students will not have to meet the requirement again as part of another degree program. For example, if a student in the 2018-19 to 2020-21 cohort (when the requirement was a course or an assessment) successfully completed an approved course (or assessment) to meet the civic literacy competency requirement and graduated with an associate in arts degree and now wants to enroll in a baccalaureate degree program under the 2023-24 catalog year, that student will not be required to take and pass an approved assessment (or course) to meet the civic literacy competency assessment requirement, because the student will have been considered as having previously met the requirement. Students in the 2021-22 cohort (when the requirement changed to a course and an assessment) who earned an associate in arts degree and met the civic literacy competency requirement as part of that degree program and return to pursue an associate in science or baccalaureate degree will not have to meet the requirement again. The same logic applies to students in the 2022-23 cohort and thereafter.

10. Does the civic literacy competency requirement apply to secondary students who are also participating in dual enrollment?

No. The secondary civics requirements in s. 1003.4282, F.S., states that public high school students are required to take the Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE) while enrolled in a U.S. Government course; however, high school students who are dually enrolled (including dual enrollment students who are completing the requirements towards an AA degree while in high school) are not required to demonstrate postsecondary civic literacy competency. As a result, the postsecondary civic literacy competency requirement is neither a condition of high school graduation nor a
requirement for all dual enrollment students (public school, home education and private school).

However, if dual enrollment students plan to matriculate after high school graduation to an FCS or State University System (SUS) institution to pursue an associate or baccalaureate degree, then they will have to comply with the postsecondary civic literacy competency requirement to obtain those degrees. As such, the Florida Department of Education’s (Department) guidance to high schools and FCS institutions is to provide
dual enrollment students the option to take the FCLE. Ultimately, allowing dual enrollment students to take the FCLE is at the discretion of the high school and postsecondary institution, but both institutions can work together to make this determination.

Dual enrollment students who are also homeschooled must enter into a dual enrollment articulation agreement with the college, pursuant to s. 1007.271, F.S. As such, if a homeschooled dual enrollment student opts to take the FCLE, they do not need to be included in the dual enrollment articulation agreement. If a homeschooled dual enrollment student opts to take the FCLE, the student must have a Florida Education
Identifier (FLEID). A private school dual enrollment student who opts to take the FCLE would also need an FLEID.

College-district partnerships would need to determine how and where to direct home education and private school dual enrollment students to obtain an FLEID through the district; therefore, if and where the student tests is at the discretion of the college-district partnership.

Please see the chart below that summarizes the guidance for dual enrollment students regarding the civic literacy competency requirement.

11. Does statute provide any exemptions for the civic literacy competency requirement?

No. Florida Statutes do not provide for exemptions from the requirement. However, pursuant to Section 1007.265, F.S., and Rule 6A-10.041, F.A.C., Substitution for Requirements for Eligible Students with Disabilities at Florida Colleges and Postsecondary Career Centers, colleges may substitute a graduation requirement for students with disabilities under certain circumstances.

1007.265 Persons with disabilities; graduation, study program admission, and upper-division entry; substitute requirements; rules and regulations.—

(1) A student with a disability in a public postsecondary educational institution shall be eligible for reasonable substitution for any requirement for graduation, for admission into a program of study, or for entry into the upper division where documentation can be provided that the person’s failure to meet the requirement is related to the disability and where failure to meet the graduation requirement or program admission requirement does not constitute a fundamental alteration in the nature of the program.

12. Does the civic literacy competency requirement apply to the new SAAT transfer degree?

Yes. In 2024, the Florida Legislature passed House Bill 1285, which added the SAAT degree to the FCS as a new degree type. Meeting the civic literacy requirement will be a condition of the SAAT degree completion.

Approved Courses and Assessments

13. How does credit-by-exam apply toward the civic literacy competency requirement?

Credit received for courses in Rule 6A-10.02413, F.A.C., (AMHX010, AMHX020 and POSX041) via credit-by-exam will count toward the course requirement.

  • If the exam used as the basis of awarding credit is in Rule 6A-10.02413, F.A.C., (e.g., AP and CLEP), the student would be considered as having met both the civic literacy competency course and the assessment requirement.
  • If the exam used as the basis of awarding credit is not in rule (e.g., AICE and IB), the student would be considered as having met only the course requirement. These students would need to be assessed using an assessment approved in rule.

14. How long are assessment scores valid? Is there an expiration date?

Assessment scores are valid indefinitely. There is no expiration date.

15. Can additional postsecondary courses be added to the list of those approved to meet the civic literacy competency requirement?

The Department is engaged in ongoing dialogue regarding the inclusion of additional courses that may be used to meet the competencies outlined in statute. Any courses that are recommended would require formal approval and go through the rule development, or similar process, and be approved by the State Board of Education (SBOE).

16. Does the final exam in AMHX010, AMHX020 or POSX041 count toward meeting the assessment requirement?

No. Because final exams in courses are not approved by the SBOE, they do not count toward the assessment requirement. These students would still be required to pass an approved assessment as outlined in Rule 6A-10.02413, F.A.C.

17. Can institutions make passing the FCLE a condition of passing either AMHX010, AMHX020 or POSX041?

There is nothing prohibiting institutions from requiring a passing score on the FCLE as a condition for passing an approved course. However, as institutions develop and implement policies they should consider, for example: what the process is if a student needs to retake the exam after the term ends; what the process is if a student passed the course content but did not pass the exam; and what the process is if a student must retake the entire course; etc.

18. What are some examples of how institutions can provide opportunities for students to engage synchronously in political discussions and civil debates?

Course lectures with discussion, discussion groups, registered student organizations (e.g., speech or debate club, Student Government Association), guest speaker series, community partnership events, service learning, internships, etc.

20. Is civic literacy considered a general education requirement or a graduation requirement?

Fulfilling the civic literacy competency requirement is a condition of graduation. However, POSX041, AMHX010 and AMHX020 will count toward fulfilling the civic literacy competency course requirement and count toward the General Education Core Social Sciences course requirement pursuant to Rule 6A-14.0303, F.A.C.

21. Is the U.S. Citizenship Test an approved test for FCS institutions to meet the civic literacy competency assessment requirement?

No. Passing the U.S. citizenship test to become a naturalized citizen is not one of the options approved to meet the civic literacy competency assessment requirement.

22. Have additional postsecondary courses and assessments been added to the list of those approved to meet the civic literacy competency requirement?

Yes. At the May 29, 2024, SBOE meeting, AMHX010 Introductory Survey to 1877 and CLEP: History of the United States I were approved as additional course and assessment options for students to meet the civic literacy competency course and assessment requirements, respectively.

23. Can AMHX010 Introductory Survey to 1877 taken before fall 2024 be used to satisfy the civic literacy competency course requirement?

No. AMHX010 taken prior to fall 2024 did not contain the statutorily required competencies to meet the civic literacy competency course requirement. The updated course learning outcomes that reflect the required competencies are effective with the fall 2024 term. Only AMHX010 taken fall 2024 and thereafter will count toward meeting the civic literacy competency course requirement.

24. Can CLEP: History of the United States I taken before fall 2024 be used to satisfy the civic literacy competency assessment requirement?

Yes. CLEP: History of the United States I taken prior to fall 2024 will count toward meeting the civic literacy competency assessment requirement. Unlike the updated AMHX010 course that was overhauled to include the required civic literacy competencies in the course learning outcomes, the CLEP exam was reviewed by SUS and FCS Subject Matter Experts (SME) and determined to have already had the competencies
embedded in the exam.

25. Will CLEP: History of the United States II be included in Rule 6A-10.02413, F.A.C., as an approved assessment to meet the civic literacy competency assessment requirement?

No. CLEP: History of the United States II will not be included in rule as an approved assessment to meet the requirement. SMEs from the FCS and the SUS reviewed the CLEP exam and determined that it did not sufficiently contain the required competencies to be included in rule as an approved assessment to meet the civic literacy competency assessment requirement. However, credit transcripted for the CLEP exam as AMHX020 will still meet the civic literacy competency course requirement.

Florida Civic Literacy Examination (FCLE)

26. What competencies does the FCLE cover? How will faculty members teaching AMHX010, AMHX020 or POSX041 know the content to cover in the courses that will prepare the students for the FCLE?

Test items for the FCLE are based on competencies that describe the content to be covered by a test. Please visit the Department's assessment page for an FCLE supplemental guide, sample questions and an online practice test.

FCLE competencies cover the knowledge necessary to demonstrate the postsecondary requirement for civic literacy, as outlined in statute:

  • Understanding of the basic principles and practices of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government.
  • An understanding of the United States Constitution and its application.
  • Knowledge of the founding documents and how they have shaped the nature and functions of our institutions of self-government.
  • An understanding of landmark Supreme Court cases, landmark legislation and landmark executive actions and their impact on law and society.

27. How was the FCLE developed?

In 2018, the Department’s Office of Assessment worked with the SUS Board of Governors (BOG) and the FCS to develop the Florida Civic Literacy Test. The Department partnered with the Lou Frey Institute (LFI) for content area and test development expertise. After working with LFI on item review and edits to address validity, accuracy and readability, the Department had SMEs review the items and conducted reliability and validation committee meetings. Following a final review by LFI, the Department approved the initial Florida Civic Literacy Test.

In early 2021, the Department began the process to revise the test and create the FCLE, as well as take steps to increase test security. A review was conducted by 30 content experts representing faculty from FCS, SUS, LFI and the Bill of Rights Institute in July 2021.

Beginning in late fall 2021, the revised test, known as the FCLE, has been available as a secure computer-based assessment as part of the Office of Assessment’s contract with Cambium Assessment, Inc. (CAI).

28. How many test questions appear on the FCLE?

Approximately 80 test items appear on the FCLE.

29. What is the passing score on the FCLE?

The passing score will remain at 60 percent, which is 48 correct out of 80.

30. Are there any online test preparation resources for the FCLE?

Yes. Preparation materials can be accessed at the Postsecondary Civics Literacy page on the FDOE website. The Department worked with partners in the field to produce and publish additional study materials, including a dedicated FCLE practice test. Study materials have been validated by SMEs external to the Department, aligned to the competencies, and are at the same level of rigor and complexity of the items seen by examinees. The Supplemental Guide and Sample Items are available on the FCLE FDOE page. Examinees or staff members who would like to become familiar with the sample items within the CAI testing platform can access the FCLE Practice Test found here:

31. Is there a limit to how many times a student may take the test?

The system allows an unlimited number of attempts.

32. What is the re-take policy?

The Department recommends 30 days between attempts; however, re-take policies are established at the discretion of the institution.

33. Can institutions set up the assessment in their learning management systems?

No. The FCLE will need to be offered through the institution’s testing center or in an otherwise proctored environment via the CAI computer-based testing system.

34. If high school students pass the FCLE, will they have fulfilled both the assessment and the course requirements?

No. Students who pass the FCLE in high school will still be required to pass an approved course once they enter the FCS and/or SUS.

35. Do high school students who pass the FCLE have to also pass the high school U.S. government course to demonstrate civic literacy competency?

No, a passing score on the FCLE is what is required for students to meet the civic literacy competency assessment requirement, not the grade in the high school U.S. Government course.

36. Will the FCLE (80 questions) satisfy the assessment requirement for students in the 2018-19 through 2020-21 catalog years?

Yes. Regardless of catalog year, a student can use the FCLE to meet the civic literacy assessment requirement.

37. If a student is a transfer from an SUS institution and passed the original Civic Literacy test, can this be used as an approved assessment?

Using the original Civic Literacy Test to meet the civic literacy competency assessment requirement is at the discretion of local FCS institutions

38. Is the attainment of a bachelor’s degree sufficient to satisfy the civic literacy competency requirement?

Any student seeking an FCS baccalaureate degree with a catalog year of 2021-22 or later is required to demonstrate competency by meeting the course and assessment requirement, unless the postsecondary civic literacy requirement was met under a previous degree.

39. Can online students take the FCLE exam with a remote proctor?

While the Department does not have a contract, nor manage any third-party remote proctoring platforms/applications for the FCLE, the CAI platform does have a remote option which will allow college testing staff to administer the FCLE in a remote and secure fashion. The CAI remote application is the only remote delivery option at this time and must be proctored by approved and trained college staff.

40. Is there a maximum number of attempts on the FCLE?

No, students may attempt the test as many times as needed.

41. Will the timeframe be shortened to retake the exam?

Retake policies are determined locally; however, the Department recommends a 30-day remediation period between attempts.

Transcripts and Reporting

42. How will FCS institutions know if a student passed the FCLE while enrolled in a public high school?

Effective October 4, 2021, the Florida Automated System for Transferring Education Records (FASTER) Interdistrict/Secondary Transcript was updated under I/S01 – Demographic Record, Item 39g. A value of ‘Y’ indicates the student earned a passing score on the FCLE. These students will have met the postsecondary civic literacy competency assessment requirement.

43. How will institutions know if transfer students from an FCS or SUS institution met the civic literacy competency requirement at their previous institution?

FASTER has developed two indicators to track student progress toward meeting these requirements. As noted below, field 11b is specific to the 2018-19 through 2020-21 student cohorts. Fields 11e and 11f were developed to implement the requirement that a student complete both a course and an assessment.

44. How will the requirements affect state reporting?

Previous to the 2022-23 academic year, completion of the civic literacy competency requirement was captured in the Student Database, Data Element 1065. Upon review of data submissions since this data element’s inception, the Department noted concerns with data integrity. Further, the modifications to the rule made capturing demonstration of competency a condition of graduation. Given this information, the Department sunset this data element. In T2E for reporting year 2021-22, edits related to Data Element 1065 changed from critical to informational. Data Element 1065 was removed from state reporting in T1E for reporting year 2022-23.

45. Is the expectation at the Department that the reporting school district will make the passing status of the assessment used to satisfy the civic literacy competency requirement available to the student’s ultimate college or university through the FASTER system?

While school districts are encouraged to report that a student has met the Civic Literacy Assessment Passed field on the I/S01 Demographic Record Format in FASTER, the field is not currently required. As such, if the reporting school district does use FASTER to capture test scores, colleges can use the score reported on the I/S08 Test Record Format as verification that the assessment was passed. The score being reported on the FASTER transcript for CIV TTSC is the Total Score. A score of 60% or higher indicates that the assessment was passed.

46. Will the postsecondary FASTER transcript be updated to include a field to capture the FCLE score?

Yes. To ensure accurate record-keeping for students who have met the assessment portion of the civic literacy competency requirement, there are now fields for postsecondary FASTER transcripts to report the actual FCLE score. School districts can already report the score on the I/S08 Test Record Format for students who take the FCLE while in high school.

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