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Florida Civic Literacy Assessment and Graduation Requirements: Polk State's Online Prep Course

This guide was created to help you understand the new state requirements for civic literacy in Florida for of all students beginning Fall 2021 and to help you prepare for successfully completing those requirements.

Access Polk State's Online Civic Literacy Modules in Canvas


To prepare for the FCLE, students may enroll in a free online Civic Literacy Canvas course. This course provides information on foundational documents such as the Mayflower Compact, the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers, and the Constitution. Landmark Supreme Court decisions such as Marbury vs. Madison, Brown v. Board of Education, and Gideon v. Wainwright will be reviewed.  The course offers instruction on key terms such as federalism, separation of powers, consent of the governed, and enumerated powers. Additionally, the course affords students an opportunity to take a practice civic literacy test.  

To enroll, enter your Polk State College email at the prompt followed by your Canvas password.

Free Online Civic Literacy Canvas Course



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