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ENC 1102 - Current Issues Research: Prof. Siler: Paper #1 - Fossil Fuels' Future

Solar panels behind a field of flowers
Wind Turbines
Dam; Hydroelectric Power
Sun; Solar Flares; Nuclear Fusion
Gas Station - Time Lapse Neon

Paper #1 Fossil Fuels' Future

Paper Guidelines 

Write a 5 paragraph essay arguing for either the continued use of fossil fuels OR discontinuing the use of fossil fuels. Use the essay prompt from EXERCISE 14.7 on page 512 of your textbook as your prompt for your essay.

  • This paper should be a synthesis of your research supporting your thesis. 
  • You will need to cite at least 2 sources from CH 14 within your paper. 
  • Include proper in-text citations and a correct Works Cited page.
  • Each body paragraph MUST cite at least one source. 

Papers that do not include both parenthetical and bibliographic references to at least 2 sources will be returned to the writer for revision and assessed the standard late-penalty.

Exercise 14.7 - Writing an Evaluation Essay

Do the benefits of fossil fuels outweigh the risks?

First, establish the criteria by which you will evaluate both benefits and risks.

Then, consider how fossil fuels meet the criteria. (You may incorporate the material you developed in the template and exercise 14.6 into your essay.)

Cite the sources from reading and writing about the issue earlier in this chapter, and be sure to document the sources you use on a "works cited" page. (See chapter 10 for information on documenting sources.)

See the full instructions in your class in Canvas for additional details and tips.

Almost done? Time for a fresh look at your paper.

Before you turn in your paper, take a moment to verify your paper meets these requirements from the grading rubric.

Does your essay:

  • Discuss why we should or should not continue using fossil fuels
    • Insight into the details of using fossil or renewable energy
    • Understanding of the complexities of energy consumption
    • Present specific details
  • Follow MLA guideline
  • Reference at least two sources to support the discussion points
  • Include in-text/parenthetical citations
  • Use quotations where appropriate

Consult the full rubric in Canvas for additional guidance.

Writing & Citing Tutors

Baby Yoda looking up. Text - Help I Need Somebody

FREE Tutoring is available! 

Enroll in the Canvas tutoring course (this is a service NOT a graded class) by going to

Writing tutors are available to work with students on the writing process for Polk State College course assignments. During the interactive session, the tutors can assist with specific questions about the writing process, including brainstorming and planning, revising rough drafts, preparing citations, and formatting a document.

Tutoring is available to currently enrolled Polk State College students at no cost.

In person tutoring is also available. Find the current on campus tutoring schedules here:


Recommended Websites

Although you are not required to use sources other than your textbook for this assignment, these websites might come in handy when researching your topic. When using additional sources, be sure to include a full MLA citation and a proper in-text citation for each.

Note: Refer to the websites tab in this library guide for guidance on selecting a reputable website.

Recommended Databases

The databases below are the most likely to have information related to the future of fossil fuels. The top two are very eclectic databases. They have information on a wide variety of topics. The remainder have a narrower scientific focus.

Sign in using your Passport credentials: 

Your Student ID number & Password (default password = two-digit month and two-digit year of your birth).


Hover over the "i" to learn more about a particular database.

You might also want to try one or more of these:

Gale & Ebsco Academic Database Tutorials

You will notice many of our databases say Gale or Ebsco at the end of their names.  Most of those databases have similar search features and tool boxes.

In your ENC1101 classes you learned how to search in Academic OneFile (Gale) and Academic Search Complete (EBSCO). For a quick refresher on searching in Gale, select the link below.

For tips & tricks on using the Gale databases Click Here! 

Image of a Gale search screen

You will notice many of our databases say Gale or Ebsco at the end of their names.  Most of those databases have similar search features and tool boxes.

In your ENC1101 classes you learned how to search in Academic OneFile (Gale) and Academic Search Complete (EBSCO). For a quick refresher on searching in EBSCO, select the link below.

For tips & tricks on using the EBSCO databases Click Here! 

Image of an EBSCO search screen

Catalog and Database Search

The energy related photos in the banner are courtesy of Pixabay.

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